The Pets Of FMB

June 15, 2023 Play

Fort Myers Beach Is A ‘Pawesome’ Place For Pets!

Mac, the Official Mascot of The Fort Myers Beach Chamber of Commerce

We’re on a mission to “unleash” the cuteness and hilarity our furry friends bring to our lives. So grab your camera (or phone) and snap a pic of your furball in all its glory somewhere on our beautiful beach or in one of its establishments such as a hotel or restaurant. It doesn’t matter if you’re a resident or a visitor. If your pet has enjoyed Fort Myers Beach, they’re welcome to be included. Once you have your photos upload them here, and get ready to become an internet sensation!

We’ll showcase your pet/s photo/s on our social media platforms and website, spreading joy and laughter to pet lovers everywhere. Plus, who knows? Your pet could be the next big influencer — like Mac — inspiring others to visit our island paradise. So, let’s “paws” for a moment and capture the magic of our beloved pets. Send us your best shots today!

A black dog poses next to the Fort Myers Beach logo which is etched in the sand.
Here’s Foley, the black lab of FMB Mayor Dan Allers and his wife Megan. Do you think he’s FMB Proud?

A woman holds her Shih Tzu on the beach as the sun sets.
Here’s FMB resident Annie Meehan with her dog Peanut Butter enjoying a Fort Myers Beach Sunset.

Three chihuahuas enjoy a walk on the beach and a sunset.
Meet Goose, Maverick and Rooster, three feisty chihuahuas who love going for walks on the beach. Their owner is FMB resident Eliza Aguilar. Do you think she’s a fan of the movie Top Gun?

Georgie the golden doodle enjoys a pup cup at MoJoe's Cafe.
Meet Georgie, a Golden Doodle who loves Fort Myers Beach and how friendly the local businesses are. Her proud owner is the FMB Chamber’s bookkeeper Amy Hallock who is from Fort Myers. How’s that pup cup Georgie?

A Cavachon sits on the beach in the light of the setting sun.
This is Parker, a Cavachon. Parkers parents John and Bettina Koss have lived on Fort Myers Beach since 2011. Adorable!

A cute Golden Retriever puppy sitting on a dock.
This little cutie’s name is Kona. She’s a Golden Retriever from Naples. Her owner is Sarah Kemlage and they both love to visit Fort Myers Beach!

A golden doodle is at Yo Taco on Fort Myers Beach.
Meet Bentley Karl, a Golden Doodle who lives with his owners Leah & Shane Sanderson on San Carlos Island. Bentley Karl is a big fan of Yo Taco!

A cute pomeranian puppy with his back end stuck in a coffee mug.
This adorable Pomeranian named Kona belongs to Jane Plummer from Fort Myers Beach.He looks like he likes to get into mischief!

A dog enjoys riding in the bow of a boat.
This is Maui who belongs to Lisa Lahners & TJ Holzapfel owners of The Rude Shrimp Co. She’s a German Shepard/Huskey mix and loves a good boat ride.

A standard poodle decked out in the colors of the USA flag.
Say hi to Ginger, a standard poodle who was being fostered on Fort Myers Beach before she met her owners Ashleigh and Will Terry. They live in Orlando, but come to FMB to visit. Ginger is definitely proud to be an American!

A boxer mix dog wears a bandana with her name 'Stella' on it.
This boxer/lab mix lives in Cape Coral with her owner Jess Walker but visits FMB whenever she can. Can you guess her name?

A dog is perched on top of a wooden piling.
This is Rocco Fleming and he’s a beach lover if there ever was one. He belongs to FMB resident and Fire Commissioner Ron Fleming.

A dog wearing a costume with a cowboy hat and a guitar.
Hey cowboys! This is Nugget she’s a Beagle/Dachshund mix and the pet of Barry Frank. Barry is the our dedicated manager of the FMB Chamber’s Roxie mobile welcome center in Times Square. Nugget takes requests.

A dog wearing a life jacket with a shark fin swims in the ocean.

Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water! Be sure to watch out for Shark Dog aka Kaia the next time you take a dip. Kaia’s is a ‘complete mutt’ and lives on Fort Myers Beach with her owner Kristi Kandel

A French Bulldog on Fort Myers Beach.

‘Bonjour!’ from Gracie a French Bulldog who loves going for walks on ‘La plage’. He and his owners, Doug and Martha Patey, live in Fort Myers.

A woman walks her pug and chihuahua on the beach.

Meet Chloe the Chihuahua and Whiskey the Pug! This adorable pair of pooches live with their owner Jen Kasper who relocated to Fort Myers Beach from Wisconsin. Chloe and Whiskey prefer the weather here!

An Italian Greyhound enjoys a walk on the beach.

This is Alice Cooper, an Italian Greyhound who loves to stretch his legs on the sugar white sand of Fort Myers Beach. Alice spends time in both Michigan and Fort Myers Beach with his owner Susan Brubaker. When we asked Alice what’s it’s like to spend part of the year in Michigan away from the beautiful sands of FMB, he said, “Welcome to my nightmare!”

An Italian Greyhound named Sparky Anderson

Well as it turns out Alice Cooper has a brother named Sparky Anderson. Given this and the fact that he lives part of the time in Michigan, I think we can take a pretty good guess which is his owner Susan’s favorite baseball team.

A basset hound wearing sunglasses.

This bad boy is Cooper, a Basset Hound. He lives in Fort Myers with his owner Paul Whatling, but he’s always ready for some party time on Fort Myers Beach!

A Siberian Huskey lounges on the beach at sunset.

This Siberian Huskey’s name is Blizzard and he’s been to Fort Myers Beach five times in the last four years. He spends the rest of the year in Ohio. Being a husky, you would think he loves the cold weather, but, according to owner’s Amanda and Kathyrn, he prefers the warm tropical beaches of Southwest Florida.

A collage of photos of a Doberman enjoying Fort Myers Beach.

Pia the Doberman loves the fun and sun of Fort Myers Beach! She and her owner Dace Olson hail from Chicago Illinois.

A small mixed breed dog.

This scrapy looking little lady is Daisy. She and her owner Dallas live in Fort Myers. Daisy is a mixed breed who loves getting her whiskers in the sand on long beach walks!

Knightro is ready to party on the beach.

Every day is a party for Knightro the Shih Tzu, especially when he’s enjoying the sun and fun on Fort Myers Beach! Knightro lives in Fort Myers with his owner Harlee.

This is Doyle a Golden Retriever and FMB resident. His parents are Lainey & Dallas. You can see he’s adjusted to the FMB vibe.